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[Book Review] Meet Cute by Helena Hunting

Desember 29, 2020 0 Comments

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                       Title        : Meet Cute
                            Author      : Helene Hunting
                            Publisher : Forever (April 9, 2019)
                            Language :  English
                           Paperback : 384 pages

It’s 30 December and I just I wanted to say HAPPY NEW YEAR FOR ME and ALL OF YOU….., time flies so fast and we already go through the pandemic for over a year to be continue. I just wish that everything will get better soon because to be honest I miss my University friends so bad, I miss places I used to hang out, I miss night walking and doing nothing on Sunday, GOD I miss every single of it. 

Okay comeback to the channel wkwkw……., if you think meet cute is a romantic story or stuff, you totally Wrong because it didn’t highlight the romance, but showing how to survive and resurrect when your parent left you forever instead., yet I was crying, sniffing and sobbing in number of line on this novel. It seems to happen in the real life though hehehe.

I just can’t imagine how bad I would have if I had my parent pass away and I still have my 13 years old sister to deal with. In addition l’ve already independent, living in my own house and only have lunch with my family once a week and know nothing about my little sister life and habit And this happen to daxton hughes……. Who need to take care for him and her sister after his parent pass away. He’s terrible sad of course, but need to show that he is strong for the sake of her sister. 

“No one ever mentioned how much harder everything is once the funeral is over, when everyone else goes back to living their live and we are stuck here, watching through years of memories and trapped in the relentless grip of grief”

Dax actually was super famous artist when he was kid, but decide to stop acting and becoming the intertaiment lawyer. If you guys familiar with home alone, I think Dax'’s movie hits the same way. It usually come up in very special event and New Year, yet make his kid face familiar through the years or often till his recent live when he already about 30 yo.

As like the common artist who must have fan girl/boy, Kailyn is one of them. a fan girl who is obsessed with daxn’s movie since she is very little, but as I said that it Is not only tell the fan girl who meet with her idol when they go to college then become a friend and love each other. In my point of view, you guys should figure it out by yourself to make things obvious.  

Dax and Kailyn has known each other, they met when they were at collage. As I said that Kaylin is obsessed with him doesn’t mean they become a friend. They’re in the same major and have plenty class together, but they never be a friend, but rival. They last time they meet were when Kaylin ask Dax to submit her final project because she skip graduation day to accompany her father at the hospital. 

5 years passed and they meet again in Kaylin office to protect emmie’S means (dan’s sister) and after about 6 months dan’s parent passed away because of car accident, yet here is the story begin. 

As I said a lot of stuff changing since dan’s parent passed away and mostly because dan’s parent give her sister custody to him not his aunt. As amme’s lawyer Kaylin should fully involve to Dan’s family. 

“at thirteen everything is supposed to be fun and friends and what the hell you’re going to wear to school the next day, not packing up your parents things because they are no longer alive ”


The part that I like the most is when Emme got her period for the first time and there’s nothing to wear. Dan decide to go to the store and buy her some feminism hygiene and he don’t know what to pick and end with calling Kailyn. 

Secondly is when emme is accused to hide alcohol on his locker in school party then Dan and Kaylin come over then emme just slip her thought and call Dax As Dad, it’s a teary part for me. As Kaylin best friend once said

" By making relationship with dax,meaning she should involved with emme"

I love Kaylin character, she strong and independent. He never shows her sad feeling in front of everyone accept to dan. And I do sorry I can’t mention all of the story fully, yet you guys need to read this novel by yourself and to be honest I don’t want to this novel to be filmed because I got the feeling through the line, conversation and the way the author trick the condition become sad then terrible sad, I don’t think number of actors out there can make it. wwkwk

[Book Review] If I never met You By Mhairi McFarlane

Desember 20, 2020 0 Comments


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                       Title        : If I never Met you
                            Author      : Mhairi Mc Farlane
                           Publisher : William Morrow Paperbacks                                                           (March, 24, 2020)
                            Language :  English
                           Paperback : 429 pages

Words can’t describe how much I love reading this novel from the beginning to the ending. It's like 0%Naked Woman 0% Flirting 0%Drugs ........ But 100& talented author. 

I learn not to hate people even if they did super terrible things to you as like laurie for not hatting her long term partner for leaving her.  

Unlike other romance novel I’ve ever read, it didn’t serve physical interact (Sex, kiss, bed etc) to make the audience felt what they really are. It served us a chase and conversation to involve and engaged  us to the story.


It tells the story from laurie Dan and Jaime, but not a triangle love story as in the usual romance novel it is far different. 

1. Dan and Laurie

Who doesn’t devastated if someone you give the whole world depend on just leaving? and you’ve been with him for 18 years, you've known every single detail of him than anyone else in the world, you’ve share every moment of your life and gave hundreds percent trust on him, yet he just break it for un make sense reason.

said he doesn’t feel happy anymore and he doesn’t feel himself if you are around. That is the story of laurie and dan. She’d met Dan when she was eighteen, yet Dan had chosen a future without her, and as sad and harrowing and unexpected as that had been, now she got to choose a future for herself. 

 “laurie knew that most people were murdered by someone they know”

Of course I’m terribly sad for laurie, those feeling still can’t get out of my chest even if I’ve already finish reading and know the fact that laurie end  happily with Jaime not with come back to Dan.

I actually should tell you guys much about Jaime and laurie love story because Dan is her past tense. But please for sure I know how hard she tried to forget him and blame herself for making him doesn’t happy anymore. 

For the f*ck shake. I HATE DAN with all of my heart. He’s heathen, D*ck head and I could give every negative words to him for doing this to laurie. What I hate the most is WHY he still give a fuck to her, still want pay their house montage for the time being, hece he have higher salary than her and text her for making sure she is Ok.

 It’s better to let her be and just turn to someone who can hated by her. It became easier to get rid of him than still being nice you know.

I understand they were best friends before start dating and wanna still keep in touch in friend not as a couple.

“Hi. Hope you’re OK. Can’t imagine how shit you feel Laurie and I’m so so so sorry, I never meant for any of this to happen. I don’t know what to say. Call me if you want to, even if it’s to shout at me”

The example of dan message,. He send it after seeing her again after 2 months and admit that he already met woman and impregnate her, Yet he said to laurei that he don’t want to have kid even if he know laurei want one so bad.  

“dan you know, I want kid so bad, then with whom I’m supposed to have in my age right now ”

I also sad of Dan’s decision to tell laurei he cheat on her with the woman he know for a year and just falling for her. it will be easier for her to get rid of him that way, instead of said bullshit with words “I’mnot happy anymore”

2. Laurei and Jaime

Stop remaining her past tense and let’s talk about Jaime and laurei. As like laurei’s mother once said that 

“She should make her own way, straight forward and not look back. Even if Dan is walking back to you”

“Whatever miscommunications, whatever differences, your mum was your mum. She was the earthing cable in your circuitry. There were still things you could say to her you couldn’t say to anyone else.

Look back to Jaime and laurei,They are co-worker and never spoke before. It begin with purpose of pretending. That laurei want to see Dan hurt while Jaime wanted to get promotion on their office and become Dan’s boos. 

Actually to get the promotion he need to have couple, I mean a trusted couple. The fact that Jaime familiar with a club man with plenty of woman around making his boos didn’t consider him to get the promotion. And it is the story of them begin. 

They start to know each other and find comfort around, feeling love etc. laurei also realize that if dan had already choose his future without her then why doesn’t she?


I don’t want to talk too much about their relation because I want you guys read it by yourself.  In summary they fits each other and laurei realize he change her a lot and even make her confidence to defense herself in front of Dan and his new girl without feeling hurt on her chest. She became a confidence and fearless laurei. 

[Book Review] You Had me at Hola by Alexis Daria A novel

Desember 09, 2020 0 Comments

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To start with, this novel tells the romance story of Aston and jasmine both of them are artists or movie star to be specific. 

I never thought it will highlight two different story. What I’ve expected when I read it in a very beginning is the ups and downs to be the movie star, but I was wrong. 

The author give a very huge space filled with the story from the film which they were starred. 

It talks a lot about telenovella film series which I don’t even know what kinds of movie is it LOL. 

Totally make sense because aston is being famous because being one of the most popular cast who jasmine’s grandma love so much in it. While jasmine is the ordinary movie star with high confidence and have sense of humor. 

I just laugh out loud when she dragged out the television wire because it broadcasted lamely about her broke up story. 

If you guys aware of the title you had me at holla actually addressing Aston and Jasmine first meet. They greet each other with holla (spanish). It actually their first time to have film project together. 

Looking back to the tittle, it fully expected that the ending will the same way, It is suspicious. I don’t get the emotion involved during reading this novel, but I enjoy for sure the second scene especially when jasmine wearing a teenage t-shirt in confidence during the first time of reading section before the movie start filming.


It just remind myself “just be confidence of what u’re wearing than other people won’t notice the lacks”

As I’ve pointed out that this novel highlight two a bit different story from their real life and their movie. 

Watching romance movie always be my things and of course I wait the dirty scene on it, but after I read this novel, it becomes real that what they have filmed on screen are totally just for the sake of the audience.

They did rehearse in every move especially the intense one such us (oops). I didn’t think that aston have had a child and jasmine just accept whatever him be in the end. 

I also hate that this novel contain too many explained dirty scene, pelaese Everyone knows it gives such pleasure, but don’t put too much sugar on foods and drinks, you’ll get diabetes soon.

I just felt flat could guess what the ending even the story. But thing that my chest totally accepted is I learn plenty of Spanish words here. I know abuelita and abeulito, mijo, amigos and so on. 

Obviously ivy because jasmine have the best cousins the world has ever asked and could easily become everyone you need in your life, parents, best friends, drunker, manager etc. I didn’t catch memorable quotes here and just reading till it finally turns to end.