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About The Blog

      Hi everyone out there who are willing to read this nonsense blog, I hope it gives a little bit information (Spoilers) regarding with books and novel. hoping you guys enjoy what you've reading and there's some stuff In this blog I need to guide you:

  1. This blog isnot only in terms of Book Review, it also contain my old post that are portfolio of my final project in Class. The portfolio's about various way to teach almost all material especially in English and there also Indonesian poetry I made just for fun. 
  2. I'm moody makes sometime write in my native language otherwise in english, but mostly English.
  3. I put translated page on the left side (right after the post) to make sure you can translate my blog post in your language. Even though I do believe google translate won't give u a very exact translation, but at least u got to understand when I use bahasa Indonesia.

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