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Collaborative Writing using Google docs

the next tool on my portfolio is google docs for making a Collaborative writing. Collaborative writing is a component to make the writing process work or called an Interaction between participants throughout the entire writing process. Whether it be brainstorming, writing a draft of the project, or reviewing. in addition, it can share the power among participants. Everyone included in the project has the power to make decisions and no group member is in charge of all the text produced.
The collaborative production of one single and specific text.

During the collaborative writing process, all participants are to have equal responsibilities. All sections of the text should be split up to ensure the workload is evenly displaced, all participants work together and interact throughout the writing process, everyone contributes to planning, making of ideas, making structure of text, editing, and the revision process.

I made a Collaborative writing in a group of four and actually create a collaborative writing by using Google Document. we were interested in doing this activity although we faced a difficulty in inviting  other to join the collaborative writing group and fortunately we succeed and start to write our argument first then continuing with commenting the other argument.

here is the link of our result in doing Collaborative writing

thank you

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