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Animaker is obviously  a web-based software for creating animated videos in a variety of styles and of course we can get started for free. for TEL, The animated styles here are engaging and good for grabbing our student's attention.

Read the following websitenya and watch the video to know the detail
1.What is animaker video
2.Thing you have to know about animaker

If you want to know the example of animaker, just can go to menu my portfolio then closer look to sub menu with the title animaker
And now, create your first animaker on

 pixton Is an online comic maker which can create A comic or story board Easily ThiS application is free trial only for a month. Actually there are a lot of ready to use tools available on the internet such as Toondoo ,Chogger and  Pixton but, I Think piXton is offer The best treatment for us.
 Check the tutorial below to create pixton fot ourself 
Pixton vdeo tutorial
Create your pixton here

if you check my portfolio, you will find word timeline on it. timeline itself is a visual representation of information arranged in chronological order. There are many ways to create a timeline that is tiki toki and timegilder. both of it are a web-based software.

Below are videos which will give you the detailed information and how to create both tiki toki and timeline
1. timeglider video
2. tiki toki video
well everyone I recommend you to use tiki toki because the tools on it easy to understand and we can find the tutorial easily over the internet, but it based on you.
start creating timeline here  /

poplet and coggle are two tools for making Mind map. it is an online application, that we don't need to download, just create your own mind map for free.
read the website and watch videos below to know more information and how to create it.
1. what is coggle
2. cogglle tutorial
1. what is poplet
2. poplet tutorial
in my point of me, both of the tools are simple and ready to use, also the tutorial can be found easily over the internet create your mind map here

5. Hot Potatoes
Hot Potatoes is a tools which content a various question made by teacher on their own local computer. it useful  for them to create different web-based learning activities or we can say "make interactive assessments for our students".
this application is able to make questionnaires of any kind in HTML format for teaching reading. There are five applications in Hot Potatoes, suc as JCloze, JCross, JMatch, JMix, and JQuiz. There is also JMasher, a sixth application that can compile all the Hot Potatoes exercises into a unit.
1. JCloze: a Gap-Fill exercise
2. JCross: a crossword exercise
3. JMatch: matching or ordering exercise
4. JMix: a Jumbled-Sentence exercise
5. JQuiz: a quiz (multiple choice)
here is the tutorial hot potatoes tutorial
I do apologize guys because the tutorial above using Spanish. it hard for me to find English tutorial as clear as it, but I make sure with just look at the tutorial without understand the meaning you will automatically understand.
download hot potatoes hot

Kahoot is  a tool for teaching young learners. it is One of the technology which can create an engaging activity to get their attention.
This application allow us to create a reading game, and we are enable to add pictures or videos too. So, try to create a game using Kahoot by just submit your email to make your own account.
here is the tutorial kahoot video tutorial
create your kahoot here

take a look on my portfolio the word "podcast", so you will understand what application it is. yupps it is a free application for editing sound that can help you to produce an audio for teaching, so that the audio sound clearer than before.  it is a software program that allows users to record sound, as well as edit sound clips.
here is the tutorial  Audacity for beginer
download audacity here https://www.audacity
and after all done, upload your audio on so that you can get the link for hearing and sharing that audio. don't forget to sign in and create account using email!

audacity is amazing application actually, but unfortunately when I try to import my audio, it couldn't recognize my audio and I didn't use it. the result of my audio not to bad because I recorded it at 2 am to make sure the result is clear enough.

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