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[Book Review] Meet Cute by Helena Hunting

Desember 29, 2020 0 Comments

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                       Title        : Meet Cute
                            Author      : Helene Hunting
                            Publisher : Forever (April 9, 2019)
                            Language :  English
                           Paperback : 384 pages

It’s 30 December and I just I wanted to say HAPPY NEW YEAR FOR ME and ALL OF YOU….., time flies so fast and we already go through the pandemic for over a year to be continue. I just wish that everything will get better soon because to be honest I miss my University friends so bad, I miss places I used to hang out, I miss night walking and doing nothing on Sunday, GOD I miss every single of it. 

Okay comeback to the channel wkwkw……., if you think meet cute is a romantic story or stuff, you totally Wrong because it didn’t highlight the romance, but showing how to survive and resurrect when your parent left you forever instead., yet I was crying, sniffing and sobbing in number of line on this novel. It seems to happen in the real life though hehehe.

I just can’t imagine how bad I would have if I had my parent pass away and I still have my 13 years old sister to deal with. In addition l’ve already independent, living in my own house and only have lunch with my family once a week and know nothing about my little sister life and habit And this happen to daxton hughes……. Who need to take care for him and her sister after his parent pass away. He’s terrible sad of course, but need to show that he is strong for the sake of her sister. 

“No one ever mentioned how much harder everything is once the funeral is over, when everyone else goes back to living their live and we are stuck here, watching through years of memories and trapped in the relentless grip of grief”

Dax actually was super famous artist when he was kid, but decide to stop acting and becoming the intertaiment lawyer. If you guys familiar with home alone, I think Dax'’s movie hits the same way. It usually come up in very special event and New Year, yet make his kid face familiar through the years or often till his recent live when he already about 30 yo.

As like the common artist who must have fan girl/boy, Kailyn is one of them. a fan girl who is obsessed with daxn’s movie since she is very little, but as I said that it Is not only tell the fan girl who meet with her idol when they go to college then become a friend and love each other. In my point of view, you guys should figure it out by yourself to make things obvious.  

Dax and Kailyn has known each other, they met when they were at collage. As I said that Kaylin is obsessed with him doesn’t mean they become a friend. They’re in the same major and have plenty class together, but they never be a friend, but rival. They last time they meet were when Kaylin ask Dax to submit her final project because she skip graduation day to accompany her father at the hospital. 

5 years passed and they meet again in Kaylin office to protect emmie’S means (dan’s sister) and after about 6 months dan’s parent passed away because of car accident, yet here is the story begin. 

As I said a lot of stuff changing since dan’s parent passed away and mostly because dan’s parent give her sister custody to him not his aunt. As amme’s lawyer Kaylin should fully involve to Dan’s family. 

“at thirteen everything is supposed to be fun and friends and what the hell you’re going to wear to school the next day, not packing up your parents things because they are no longer alive ”


The part that I like the most is when Emme got her period for the first time and there’s nothing to wear. Dan decide to go to the store and buy her some feminism hygiene and he don’t know what to pick and end with calling Kailyn. 

Secondly is when emme is accused to hide alcohol on his locker in school party then Dan and Kaylin come over then emme just slip her thought and call Dax As Dad, it’s a teary part for me. As Kaylin best friend once said

" By making relationship with dax,meaning she should involved with emme"

I love Kaylin character, she strong and independent. He never shows her sad feeling in front of everyone accept to dan. And I do sorry I can’t mention all of the story fully, yet you guys need to read this novel by yourself and to be honest I don’t want to this novel to be filmed because I got the feeling through the line, conversation and the way the author trick the condition become sad then terrible sad, I don’t think number of actors out there can make it. wwkwk

[Book Review] If I never met You By Mhairi McFarlane

Desember 20, 2020 0 Comments


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                       Title        : If I never Met you
                            Author      : Mhairi Mc Farlane
                           Publisher : William Morrow Paperbacks                                                           (March, 24, 2020)
                            Language :  English
                           Paperback : 429 pages

Words can’t describe how much I love reading this novel from the beginning to the ending. It's like 0%Naked Woman 0% Flirting 0%Drugs ........ But 100& talented author. 

I learn not to hate people even if they did super terrible things to you as like laurie for not hatting her long term partner for leaving her.  

Unlike other romance novel I’ve ever read, it didn’t serve physical interact (Sex, kiss, bed etc) to make the audience felt what they really are. It served us a chase and conversation to involve and engaged  us to the story.


It tells the story from laurie Dan and Jaime, but not a triangle love story as in the usual romance novel it is far different. 

1. Dan and Laurie

Who doesn’t devastated if someone you give the whole world depend on just leaving? and you’ve been with him for 18 years, you've known every single detail of him than anyone else in the world, you’ve share every moment of your life and gave hundreds percent trust on him, yet he just break it for un make sense reason.

said he doesn’t feel happy anymore and he doesn’t feel himself if you are around. That is the story of laurie and dan. She’d met Dan when she was eighteen, yet Dan had chosen a future without her, and as sad and harrowing and unexpected as that had been, now she got to choose a future for herself. 

 “laurie knew that most people were murdered by someone they know”

Of course I’m terribly sad for laurie, those feeling still can’t get out of my chest even if I’ve already finish reading and know the fact that laurie end  happily with Jaime not with come back to Dan.

I actually should tell you guys much about Jaime and laurie love story because Dan is her past tense. But please for sure I know how hard she tried to forget him and blame herself for making him doesn’t happy anymore. 

For the f*ck shake. I HATE DAN with all of my heart. He’s heathen, D*ck head and I could give every negative words to him for doing this to laurie. What I hate the most is WHY he still give a fuck to her, still want pay their house montage for the time being, hece he have higher salary than her and text her for making sure she is Ok.

 It’s better to let her be and just turn to someone who can hated by her. It became easier to get rid of him than still being nice you know.

I understand they were best friends before start dating and wanna still keep in touch in friend not as a couple.

“Hi. Hope you’re OK. Can’t imagine how shit you feel Laurie and I’m so so so sorry, I never meant for any of this to happen. I don’t know what to say. Call me if you want to, even if it’s to shout at me”

The example of dan message,. He send it after seeing her again after 2 months and admit that he already met woman and impregnate her, Yet he said to laurei that he don’t want to have kid even if he know laurei want one so bad.  

“dan you know, I want kid so bad, then with whom I’m supposed to have in my age right now ”

I also sad of Dan’s decision to tell laurei he cheat on her with the woman he know for a year and just falling for her. it will be easier for her to get rid of him that way, instead of said bullshit with words “I’mnot happy anymore”

2. Laurei and Jaime

Stop remaining her past tense and let’s talk about Jaime and laurei. As like laurei’s mother once said that 

“She should make her own way, straight forward and not look back. Even if Dan is walking back to you”

“Whatever miscommunications, whatever differences, your mum was your mum. She was the earthing cable in your circuitry. There were still things you could say to her you couldn’t say to anyone else.

Look back to Jaime and laurei,They are co-worker and never spoke before. It begin with purpose of pretending. That laurei want to see Dan hurt while Jaime wanted to get promotion on their office and become Dan’s boos. 

Actually to get the promotion he need to have couple, I mean a trusted couple. The fact that Jaime familiar with a club man with plenty of woman around making his boos didn’t consider him to get the promotion. And it is the story of them begin. 

They start to know each other and find comfort around, feeling love etc. laurei also realize that if dan had already choose his future without her then why doesn’t she?


I don’t want to talk too much about their relation because I want you guys read it by yourself.  In summary they fits each other and laurei realize he change her a lot and even make her confidence to defense herself in front of Dan and his new girl without feeling hurt on her chest. She became a confidence and fearless laurei. 

[Book Review] You Had me at Hola by Alexis Daria A novel

Desember 09, 2020 0 Comments

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To start with, this novel tells the romance story of Aston and jasmine both of them are artists or movie star to be specific. 

I never thought it will highlight two different story. What I’ve expected when I read it in a very beginning is the ups and downs to be the movie star, but I was wrong. 

The author give a very huge space filled with the story from the film which they were starred. 

It talks a lot about telenovella film series which I don’t even know what kinds of movie is it LOL. 

Totally make sense because aston is being famous because being one of the most popular cast who jasmine’s grandma love so much in it. While jasmine is the ordinary movie star with high confidence and have sense of humor. 

I just laugh out loud when she dragged out the television wire because it broadcasted lamely about her broke up story. 

If you guys aware of the title you had me at holla actually addressing Aston and Jasmine first meet. They greet each other with holla (spanish). It actually their first time to have film project together. 

Looking back to the tittle, it fully expected that the ending will the same way, It is suspicious. I don’t get the emotion involved during reading this novel, but I enjoy for sure the second scene especially when jasmine wearing a teenage t-shirt in confidence during the first time of reading section before the movie start filming.


It just remind myself “just be confidence of what u’re wearing than other people won’t notice the lacks”

As I’ve pointed out that this novel highlight two a bit different story from their real life and their movie. 

Watching romance movie always be my things and of course I wait the dirty scene on it, but after I read this novel, it becomes real that what they have filmed on screen are totally just for the sake of the audience.

They did rehearse in every move especially the intense one such us (oops). I didn’t think that aston have had a child and jasmine just accept whatever him be in the end. 

I also hate that this novel contain too many explained dirty scene, pelaese Everyone knows it gives such pleasure, but don’t put too much sugar on foods and drinks, you’ll get diabetes soon.

I just felt flat could guess what the ending even the story. But thing that my chest totally accepted is I learn plenty of Spanish words here. I know abuelita and abeulito, mijo, amigos and so on. 

Obviously ivy because jasmine have the best cousins the world has ever asked and could easily become everyone you need in your life, parents, best friends, drunker, manager etc. I didn’t catch memorable quotes here and just reading till it finally turns to end. 

[Book Review] Playing with fire by L.J Shen

November 29, 2020 1 Comments


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                    Title        : Playing With Fire
                   Author      : L.J. Shen
                            Publisher  : Independently published                                             (September 15, 2020)
                          Language   :  English

                           Paperback : 367 pages

This novel becomes the reason why I choose to pick a bad boy type than a nice guy. West as the main character of this novel proof something could only occur if you have a bad boy type around.

 Unlike the other novel I've ever read, reading this novel gives me a different sensation, I adore the author because he knows well to put a climax in part of this story, to explain the reason through the related occasion, and to arrange the question and answer in a meaningful moment. I wish I could see this novel being filmed one day. 

I do enjoy reading it, I enjoy to read the ups and downs texas and west build their relationship backstreet, I keen on the way west risk everything to help his family financially, I also agree with his decision not to tell texas about what happened to Aubrey in the first place. 

once again I love the author to make everything for a reason, as like the reason why west love to eat the Apple candy, the tattoo on his arm, texas's grandma reason not to tell other the reason why their house got into the fire, and other (u can found out by yourself)


west may be stubborn and already take each girl in the entire university out for a dirty night. (Lol) but who knows he carried a big problem on his own, pay all his parent's debt, had suicidal issues, blame himself for letting his sister passed away, yet he needs girls to spend a night with to make him didn't remember what's happened on his life.

Texas is a good girl with thousands of insecure and unconfidence, she had several scars covering her left face, and in any part of her body. Who will be expected that a girl like her could be the last standing girl for a guy like the west, the one who risks his life every Friday night? 

I've felt terrible at the ending of any novel, and this novel makes the list larger. I understand that the author tried to give us a perfect happy ending since their story contains too many struggles, but please life won't go the same way. There always a moment when we need to stuck on the ground. The ending is too clear and too suspicious. We don't even have time to think about what's will happen afterward, just happy and it is monotonous. 

But overall, I'm sure you guys will enjoy reading this novel. You won't get bored with the story on each page, I even didn't attend to any quotes because they examine moments, not the words. Even if the ending is not what I wanted and it might be you guys wanted.

A novel Review: Beach Read By Emily Henry

November 20, 2020 0 Comments


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                    Title        : Beach Read
                            Author      : Emily Henry
                           Publisher : Penguin Publishing group                                                            (May,19, 2020)
                            Language :  English
                           Paperback : 384 pages

January, I don’t care how the story ends As long as I spend it with you

Augustus Everett and January Andrew, a couple who born to be together based on their name. Both of them are an author that’s why the phrase on the novel sometimes made me confused because the line which unrelated to this novel often appear in a huge number of The pages. 

And of course, it because the line tells their ongoing novel. It bored me indeed because I felt it didn’t stick to the point and I pretty much hate when it comes to climaxing and they just mentioned lines on their novel as the alibi.

I adore how the author makes the event super clear that I don't need to think hardly to find the answer. I started to cry out loud when January finally decided to open every letter their father has been written since she was born. I even take a second to weep my tears while reading the letter from her father. 

January's father passed away a year ago and left a house near a beach for her. Due to he’d betrayed January’s mother I think he’s not a good father, but roughly January never looked at the other sides of her father. 

He always shows that he’s the perfect father that every child in the world could ask for, till he finally passed away. 

I'd thought missing my dad would be the hardest thing I'd ever do, but the worst thing, the hardest thing, had turned on to be being angry with someone you couldn't fight it out with.

Not only because he was cheating with another woman, but also he had a second house with his mistress WHAT THE…. This case makes his life mess up and sucked.


She even breaks up with his boyfriend and couldn’t write even a single word to make a novel, yet she's struggling with finances and couldn’t afford to rent a house and decide to just move on to a house his father left for her and met Augustus Everett a man from her college. 

 I Always mesmerize when both of them pretend not to know each other despite they are at the same university. Secretly, January has known august so well because he well-known as a genius student at that time

She often joins his class and he calls her a fairy (I forgot the line) when he sarcastically commented on his first novel.  She never thought that a guy like him could recognize her because she just an invisible student back then.

 Surprisingly, he didn’t like that. He recognized her. The one who had a perfect life and always makes every novel she wrote become a happy ending as like her life, unlike the novel he usually writes. 

I like the ending of it and wish every novel could have ended the same way. There are no years laters or the next decade of life from them. Just happy for now.

How if we don't get a happy ending?

Then maybe we should enjoy our happiness for now

A super sad movie review: Clouds Disney

November 15, 2020 0 Comments


You don’t have to find out you’re dying to start living –Zach Sobiech 

I just feel guilty if I can’t at least put how much I adore this movie in a piece of words yet I decide to make this review. I watch this movie twice to make sure that I don’t miss a thing. 

I’m not into this genre actually and I’ve watched Five feet apart without crying even if it just a second. This movie hits different for me. I admitted that I feel bored watching this movie till I finally pick at exactly an hour and 30 minutes to prove that all of my friend's review is extremely right. 

I cried out loud exactly like a baby. Fin argus and Sabrina play like the firm handshake was them. They were so natural.

If you guys have ever watched A star Is born I think this movie will end the same, but differently since Zach has been diagnosed with cancer in the first place. 

Both of these movies have emphasized the power of music to kept the memory alive, song witting, playing the instrument, and going on stage also decorate these two movies, I cried of course when I watched both of them. differently, I just cried a bit at the end of the story from the star is born, started when lady gaga sang I’ll never love again, Yet in clouds, I was sniveling almost from an hour and 30 minutes till the end.


I also cried like a baby when I started to goggled the Zach name, type on Spotify then listen to all of his songs with Sammy, I also Cried when I found out the detail of this movie on youtube (P.S Disney official). FOR THE GOD SAKE I even spend my night watching all of the Zach memorial videos on youtube. 

This movie very detailed, I admitted that the director is well-prepared. Every ornament on the movie set “Zach room” actually belongs to him, the clothes are worn by fin argus also his. And how mesmerized I’m when I watched one of the details of this movie and found out that all of the cast and the real person was involved in making this film.


They visit the set and give a little advice to the cast about how to be them at that time, the real Zach family, Sammy, and Zach's girlfriend guide the cast to make sure they become themselves. I’m sure that the director or makeup team did very hard to make their face alike. 

GOD, Zach Passed Away in 2013 exactly 7 years ago and I think this movie will bring the memory of Zach born again in every person who knows him.  



Review:Happy ever after playlist by Abby Jimenez

November 12, 2020 0 Comments


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                    Title         : The Happy Ever After Playlist
                         Author      : Abby Jimenez
                         Publisher : Forever (April 15, 2020)
                        Language  : English
                        Paperback : 401pages

I’m afraid this review will be too personal because I’m not in a good mood to justify the novel, even though I already read exactly three novels after the previous review.  for me, I did a huge mistake in the first place while reading this novel. 

The truth is, this novel is the sequel from the previous novel untitled friend zone and I just realized it had after I watched a YouTube review while I almost finished reading this novel. But I can’t look back to read those novels and left this novel unread till I got the first novel. Then I just decided to go on. 

For someone who adores Hollywood music so bad will feel this novel is the right thing to pick. Because it tells the story of Jaxon water who is a super famous singer with several songs usually stated on Billboard 100. Albums, tours, and an intimated management make this novel crystal clear P, S detail for someone who adores harry style (MEEE) and always beg him to perform on every occasion.

I could guess the ending of this novel since Sloan met Jaxon, it will end like the usual novel as I usually read. But for those who haven’t been read this novel yet, you need to read this because it will amaze you. Despite this novel tells from both two perspectives that are Sloan and Jaxon but you won’t even guess what they will readily do directly.

Several unexpected things occurred without you could ever imagine it will. The writer unconditionally flies me to the sky, then directly drag me down the ground. As like when Sloan visits Jaxon on tour and found a woman on his bed and left him because of it, Jaxon being drunk and didn’t know what’s happening to him on his bed. Of course, he looked for Sloan in every possible place she could ever visit, but he can’t found her anywhere. And after hours Sloan finally gets back to the hotel to say an apology to him and realized that Jaxon is not someone like that, but Jaxon just told lies about a woman who slept and said all things she watched is true. I couldn’t even think of what he meant at that time. Till I finally do when it comes to the next chapter that he can’t protect Sloan from everything and everyone who will harm her if they still in a relationship.

He realized that everything happens to Sloan because of him, because of his fans, his management, his super crazy that he couldn’t even text hear in weeks. Then he better keeps a distance from her then. 

My eyes didn’t catch interesting quotes from this novel, but this novel is worth to read, u will feel the different side of a super famous singer you might be adored and realized how crazy work he needs to finish In serving a full album and attend tours in a different city around the world without even know the name of it. To know the detail just figuring out for yourself. 

A Review : the Lgbt Novel Call me by your name by André Aciman

November 04, 2020 0 Comments


My first ever LGBT novel I've read till the last page. It accompanied me from the crazy piled of tasks during my deadline till I finally home still doing the same tasks. I spent 14 days to finish this novel, it's quite longer than I usually did. It's because I don't even think to read this genre after unfinished reading from reading and blue royal wedding weeks ago. 

This novel is like poetry for me, the author leads the reader to also feel Italian summer and the beach over there. I feel like I was there on the rock, sand, or even work out with them every morning. I feel like I was with Elio when he's transcribing the manuscript, also with them when they are making love, etc. 

It tells from both Oliver and Elio's perspective which is good because the two of them are of different ages. 

I knew from the start that Elio's father knows there's something different about them, but he just keeps silent and gives them live on their life without even ask what'd happened. In another eight years, I'll be forty-seven 

and you forty. Five years from then, I'll be fifty-two and you forty-five. Will you come for dinner then?" 

They've expected this case will occur from the first. They just a man and a boy who impossibly stick together, besides their gap eight are far enough, they also the same gender and doing back street. 

The word later becomes familiar to me since reading this novel. They keep saying later than goodbye. I think everyone could be Elioinn their childhood, but the case may not the same because they won't make love to one another.

 The case mostly like this everyone has experienced having someone around to take care of them till it finally ends because they should make their own family (p.s get married and have children) and let us just continue for ourselves it hurts sometimes, but it's life.

You could have had this instead. But going back is false. Moving ahead is false. Looking the other way is false. Trying to redress all that is false turns out to be just as false. "

Like figuring out that they won't ever be together. The word calls me by your name first appear when they first time sleeps together and whisper to call their name to mention another name.

 They met again after 10 years and still have the same feeling even though Oliver had had two children and teased Elio to just choose his daughter than himself.

 The last words from this novel are

 if you are like me, then before you leave tomorrow, or when you're just ready to shut the door of the taxi and have already said goodbye to everyone else and there's not a thing left to say in this life, then, just this once, Turn to me, even  In jest, or as an afterthought, which would have meant everything to me when we were together, and, as you did back then, look me in the face, hold my gaze and call me by your name


Oktober 08, 2020 0 Comments


Tiada hal pelu dipersalahkan apalagi menjadi perdebatan

Mutlak nan tak terelakkan

Akhir pekan yg diidam-idamkan tak lagi jadi alasan tuk saling bersentuhan.

keadaan yang diawali dengan keantusiasan

keadaan yang kerap di jadikan kesempatan

keadaan pula yg buat beberapa hal jadi tak karuan

Activitas beku, para pedagang pilu serta mahasiswapun durundung sendu. siapa sangka kan berdampak seluas ini,

mampu buat hampir semua sektor ongkang2 kaki nan berpasrah diri. 

hanya oleh sebuah partikel nan buat manusia ternga-nga, renggut jutaan jiwa nan resahkan bangsa-bangsa.

apa mau dikata? sujudlah agar jadi reda dan berdoalah tuk di beri kelapangan dada.


Something borrowed by Emily Giffin A novel Review

Oktober 03, 2020 0 Comments


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                              Title         : Something Borrowed
                              Author     : Emily Giffin
                        Publisher : St. Martin's Griffin (April 1, 2005))
                              Language : English
                             Paperback: 352 pages

So he got a new girl, and he got to be noble. I tried to be angry, but how can you be mad at 
someone for not wanting to be with you? Instead I just sulked around, gained a few pounds, and swore off men.

 for me, this novel is highly recommended especially for those who in love with adult romance story. it tells the story between daicy, rachel and dex. let's start from daicy and rachel, they are a best friends since very kinds. they  used to sleep over, go around and share everything one another. they plain for their future together as how does if they were 15 years old, 20, 30 and so on. both of them claim that they like a sister they never had. the story begin since university. actually rachel is a friend with dex afterward and like to tell rachel about him and  describe him with a calm and good looking man. daicy simply in love with dex and he feel the same way, they live together and take a proposal for wedding and of course rachel embroiled in preparing those whole thing.

    in contrary, the 30th birthday of rachel, something un expeted occur between rachel and dex. as like a common drunk people who forget what they are doing so do them. yes they sleep together and just realize the morning after. and here is the story begin. guess what?

    I'm absolutely on team rachel instead of darcy or dex. she is terribly  restrained herself not to admit that she already into dex since law school, shhe just keep denying her feeling and let her best friend put on her shoe. I genuinely hate innocent women like her.  

    this novel totally tells from the rachel perceptive, for me she is an incredible narrator it prove by sometime blame herself about thing occur. I hate dex more than I hate darcy. he is such a coward, as gentlemen he should have choose between darcy and rachel not just stay in touch with both of them. he admit that in love with rachel before he met darcy and just decided not to say directly to racherl because  he seem not  to be her type...... C'MN MANN u such a jerk and didn't want to take a risk for someone you loved. 

    scene that I hated the most is when rachel finally express her feeling to stay with him and ask him to canceled his wedding. then a crazy bastard like dex just say he can't    WHOTT.... then what's the meaning of having sex every summer weekend if it just end like this way. rachel once said 

   Don't be crazy. It's just a little heartbreak. You will get over this. I think of all the hearts breaking at this moment, in Manhattan, all over the world. All of the overwhelming grief. It makes me feel less alone to think that other people are getting their insides torn to tiny bits. Husbands leaving wives after twenty years of marriage. Children crying out, "Don't leave me, Daddy! Please stay!" Surely what I feel doesn't compare to that kind of pain. It was only a summer romance, I think. Never meant to last beyond August.

eventhough in the end of the story both of them are live happily. I still can't believed a goergeos girl like rachel can live together with those asshole wkwkwkwk

    FYI it's old-fashion novel and already filmed on 2011. if you guys asks me to compare the novel with the film I'll yield that the novel is much better than film. as like the other adaptation film, this film just cutt the most important of my own hating part of dex. here dex figured by a totally rich, calm and kind gentlemen no coward, capricious part that I hate the most. in addition, they make ehtan as the second lead male. what ? he even just a virtual friend for rachel and they just meet once on the novel. marcus should be the second lead male,but dunno hard to explain. 

eheheheh but overall the movie is detail enough. I often find the same word that I read on novel and they say directly on their conversation. 

Always and forever Lara Jean/to all the boys 3 by Jenny Tan A novel Review

September 30, 2020 0 Comments


                   Photo by edit on
               Title         : Always and Forever Lara Jean
                      Author      : Jenny Tan
                  Publisher  : Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers; Reprint edition (April 10, 2018)
                      Language :  English
                     Paperback : 336 pages

my mom used to drive me home after school and we like to grumbling about things on starbuck instead on own home. I used to order the same  food and beverage so do my mom, but she always give me her French fires even thought I know she likes it then she once said. I like those food, but I know you like it and I love you 
the fact that they will have a step mother on this last season makes me goosebumps of how the three of them could growing up with a complete parent after so long. it can be said obviously as the conclusion of the trilogy novel before. since I'm the one who already known the teenage love story between petter and lara jean from the first season I think  it become palpable or we all can assume the ending of this novel only by have a look a the tittle. exactly, always and forever lara jean tells the continues story from lara jean who already as petter girl friend and they seem great, but not that much. 

    this last novel also highlight lara jean father who finally found his love even though with just a girl next door. they are intended to get married and live in the same house as lara jean and family. the continued longevity into the foreseeable future making peter and lara jean seldom to keep in touch another. they both has crazy task to fulfill before staring as college student's and stuff For my own, this novel won't be the same special as the first season. this last season only explain so much concerning to the way petter and lara jean still in touch even though they didn't come to the same university. 

    talking about the story, I my self remorsefully to read this flat novel. I juts curious to the love story ending and yeah. as the tittle lara jean will always be her who is virgin, avoid highlight and a baking lover while peter as the usual petter who keep on her side and love to attend her family party as the one who already become a part of her family. the story is straight and ther's no meaning moment and trouble occur on this to remember. the last scene of them is on peter's car talking about the day after tomorrow will a collage with no boy friend take you home, no sister braid your hair and no dad who will kill  you if you're out at night and that's the end of the story

All the Bright Places by jennifer niven A novel Review

September 25, 2020 0 Comments


Course: edited in


I know life well enough to know you can’t count on things staying around or standing still, no matter how much you want them to. You can’t stop people from dying. You can’t stop them from going away. You can’t stop yourself from going away either. I know myself well enough to know that no one else can keep you awake or keep you from sleeping.

    I found those word may be on the third chapter when flinch say to violet not to blame herself connected to her sister accident flinch also once said

Sorry wastes time. You have to live your life like you'll never be sorry. It's easier just to do the right thing from the start so there's nothing to apologize for.

    and it pushing me to keep reading even though I’ve fed up.

     I feel spellbound by this novel but may be in a wrong way. I could say that I’m a romance novel colic who read bunch of novel in romance and never feel as goofy as the time I was reading this. Sorry to say but this is the third novel which I couldn’t read till the last page. The first novel was needful thing by Stephen king then pride and prejudice and finally I did the same mistakes in cutting the half of its story because I’ve been enormously dull by the story of a novel.

    First thing first, since the novel called romance I’ll automatically adore it or at least read it till finish. But it’s different as like the former unfinished novel I’ve ever read, this is full of mystery and secrete. Even though it tells from both violate and flinch perspective it never have place on my own. The story is creepy, too many flashing back scene, too many alibi to describe the real story especially on the flinch perceptive and also too many un told story makes me tryna to figure out by myself.

     I’ve tried to read till about 36 chapter, but I decided to end that up then turn to watch the movie instead. But Number of character who aren’t framed on the movie such us the youngest flinch sister, his father and so on. The scene didn’t change too much, but quite un detail. It takes an hour and thirty minutes to be exact to watch this movie and still feeling the same way LOL. it can't be seen clearly that if you guys already hate a thing from the start, then whatever the reason is even though the hatting thing already mash and mix up with other ornament, you won't ever turn to love it. I'm still curious why everyone adore this novel, but we've different perceptive in each thing though. it's totally human.

Review : The Hatting game by Sally Thorne

September 22, 2020 0 Comments

                 Photo by edit on
                     Title          : The Hatting Game
                Author     : Sally Thorne
                       Publisher : William Morrow Paperbacks(August 9, 2016)
     Language : English
        Paperback : 369 pages

    Overall I love to read page by page of this novel, both of them (I mean josh and shortcake ) are hilarious and just doing a nonsense game everyday. It happen on their own office seat and usually start by staring each other for so long. it look ridiculously bull at the first time I read. I start to get to know each of the character and realize they were boring and just set the location near the stack of the book. I didn't find what usually become the content of romance novel which is simple and full of cuteness. 

    the story just telling entirely from lucy's perceptive, she is an incredible narrator for me.  even though I do need the perceptive from josh,but never happen till the last pages. I admit that I was on team Lucy when they usually fight. for me, josh is a kind of body shaming guy who used to tell her about her feet and often call her A short cake, mocking her parent for working in a strawberry farm and so on, but I love the moment when both of them play a staring game and joshua seem to lost it then he take an old photo of Little lucy and her family which make her in tears. he didn't show he was care instead he just didn;t staring at her when the tears falling down. 

    neither lucy nor Joshua are good in negotiating they keep arguing abut little things and never just sit silently one another. my favorite scene from this novel is when the whole office are visiting to play paintfull game if I'mnot mistaken LOL. and I completely goosebumps by the way joshua treat lucy when she is in a pain. I know it was A little thing though, but they were evil one another then being a soulmate for a moment. I love the way lucy doesn't wanna look she is in paint in front of everyone so do josuha who doesn't  seem to help her by word he directly take lucy arm and say

 "you sick"

I’m not poisoning you. Quit squirming.” Joshua’s hand is behind my neck as he presses two pills onto my tongue. I swallow water and then he lowers me flat.

        both of them are super cute, I love every single on that night. I also realize that josh doesn't fine at all. he is in serious pain in terms of family he once said to lucy 

as like a royal British which have heirs and spare and the fact here is I'm the spare. my dad didn't even talk to me. her mind just about patrick and patrick he didn't even know How hard I tried to be him and give up then everyone just mocking, but I have incredible mother who always stand by me all the time even I'mnot continuing our family dynasty to be a doctor. 

I'm screaming out load when barely know this novel will be on screen very soon. I've had finish a novel before making this post, but when I start writing this post the memory of shortcake and joshu ruin against my head again. this is super insane the ending also related with I have expected.... I'll Rate amount 9,5 to 10 ....................

The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory A romance novel Review

September 19, 2020 0 Comments


                Photo by edit on
                       Title         : The Wedding Date
                            Author      : Jasmine Guillory
                           Publisher  : Berkley (January 30, 2018)
                            Language :  English
                           Paperback : 336 pages
    this is my first ever novel that I've been read till the last page, I used to read novel actually (p.s using my native language) and this novel just realized me to keep reading till u find the exact genre to love with. yeah I start reading a bunch of thriller, magic, comedy especially from the most famous author Stephen King, but it just didn't fits perfectly with mine and those novel didn't even finish till now. 

    back to the laptop, this novel is simple, what I mean here far from juvenile love story which pretty complicated. it tells the story from two opposite direction of people, alexa is a girl with black skin and work in politics while the man called drew, I didn't remember the exact name it maybe andrew, but I can't ensure that is was true.

  both of them just meet incidentally on the elevator, they were stuck together on it  for about 30 minutes or more. as like the other novel they just sharing abit and start to make appointment  to attent andrew's ex girlfriend weeding. alexa actually didn;t interested at all through the wedding. she just have a pity for andrew wherefore he become a groomsman on his own ex grilfriend birthday. then they were keep closer week by week.

    FYI they did LDR because andrew is a doctor from different city as alexa. it take 2 hours by plane to get there whereas they just meet once a week and visit each other city till finally get together on alexa city. this novel is easy reading especially for non English native like me. wkwkwk. it plot is crystal clear and they face their problem in a mature way. a buch of pages explain about s*x, but I never skip it LOL. I didn't find any quotes related to me during reading this novel,but it;s still pretty recomendeddd 

A romance novel Review : The boys who Sneak In My Bedroom Window by Kirsty Moseley

September 15, 2020 0 Comments

             Photo by edit on
                      Title : The Boy Who Sneak in My bedroom Window
                            Author : Kirsty Moseley
                           Publish date : 29 April 2012
                            Language : English
                           Paperback : 275pages

I'm not a nerd indeed; I've already read couples of novel and never fall into it. this novel is hilarious, a Teenagers family and love story being a part of it

as I remember, I tried to forget the ending even thought it is far from terrible, it's like the story of disney which usually ends happily, but it just doesn't fit with what I had expected. I read this novel for about three consecutive days. 

I read it consciously. I love Jake who is overprotective through his sister, I love liam who always look such a jerk, but has a feeling keep amber safe, he is the one who mentioned as the boy who sneak on my bedroom window. he's super cute, patient and totally wait for amber to get ready for having s*x with him. 

    liam and jake are super famous on his school, they play hokey and always making queuing of girls in front of his car everyday to get in touch with them. I afraid it contain spoiler LOL. I adore this novel till for about chapter 47(if i'mnot mistaken LMAO) liam once said 

He laughed. “You know, there’s a thin line between love and hate. Maybe you loved me and didn’t realize,” he suggested, grinning. I smiled because that was exactly what I was thinking earlier.

she got abuse from her father and afraid of touch since then. it's pretty cool you guys will find number of unexpected things to happen and I'mnot goanna make it  too long just cause I've started reading my new novel this morning,but still couldn't forget every detail of this.

A film review : to all the boys I've loved before

September 11, 2020 0 Comments

        it is actually a romance movie which i liked the most especially on the first session. I love the way larra jean in touch with her family and could receive whatever her dad serve for the whole family without a mother figure since they were kids. she never date with anyone, she likes bury her feeling toward every boys surround her. I remember a quotes form her 
"the more you let someone to enter your heart and feeling the more someone you loved will walk away " I assume that she's afraid in loving someone, because she doesn't wanted to fail and just let her man goes by. 
she actually in love with a friends of her since kinds, but he was in love with her own sister margot. she decided to fake dated with petter and yes, everyday become a real till they found she genuinely in love with him. 
     This movie has sequel I ensure you guys won't love those sequel, as like I did eheheh 

    I actually have a bunch of word to say, but it 12 am and I just scroll up and down  trough my browser and found my old blog address, I though would be fun to write a couple of words before I sleep even if it doesn't mean anything to you guys.

 I've been pretty busy this year neither pandemic nor as an old smester on my university. I just freaking afraid that I couldn't graduate in exact time, I couldn't find a job and couldn't make money. I'm tragically In love with 5 second of summer instead of 1D. a dream of mine, I want to go overseas with scholarship actually,t hat I probably communicate with Englishman and sharing everything (culture, music, their life etc) I wish I can make much money to get those dream come true