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Review : The Hatting game by Sally Thorne

                 Photo by edit on
                     Title          : The Hatting Game
                Author     : Sally Thorne
                       Publisher : William Morrow Paperbacks(August 9, 2016)
     Language : English
        Paperback : 369 pages

    Overall I love to read page by page of this novel, both of them (I mean josh and shortcake ) are hilarious and just doing a nonsense game everyday. It happen on their own office seat and usually start by staring each other for so long. it look ridiculously bull at the first time I read. I start to get to know each of the character and realize they were boring and just set the location near the stack of the book. I didn't find what usually become the content of romance novel which is simple and full of cuteness. 

    the story just telling entirely from lucy's perceptive, she is an incredible narrator for me.  even though I do need the perceptive from josh,but never happen till the last pages. I admit that I was on team Lucy when they usually fight. for me, josh is a kind of body shaming guy who used to tell her about her feet and often call her A short cake, mocking her parent for working in a strawberry farm and so on, but I love the moment when both of them play a staring game and joshua seem to lost it then he take an old photo of Little lucy and her family which make her in tears. he didn't show he was care instead he just didn;t staring at her when the tears falling down. 

    neither lucy nor Joshua are good in negotiating they keep arguing abut little things and never just sit silently one another. my favorite scene from this novel is when the whole office are visiting to play paintfull game if I'mnot mistaken LOL. and I completely goosebumps by the way joshua treat lucy when she is in a pain. I know it was A little thing though, but they were evil one another then being a soulmate for a moment. I love the way lucy doesn't wanna look she is in paint in front of everyone so do josuha who doesn't  seem to help her by word he directly take lucy arm and say

 "you sick"

I’m not poisoning you. Quit squirming.” Joshua’s hand is behind my neck as he presses two pills onto my tongue. I swallow water and then he lowers me flat.

        both of them are super cute, I love every single on that night. I also realize that josh doesn't fine at all. he is in serious pain in terms of family he once said to lucy 

as like a royal British which have heirs and spare and the fact here is I'm the spare. my dad didn't even talk to me. her mind just about patrick and patrick he didn't even know How hard I tried to be him and give up then everyone just mocking, but I have incredible mother who always stand by me all the time even I'mnot continuing our family dynasty to be a doctor. 

I'm screaming out load when barely know this novel will be on screen very soon. I've had finish a novel before making this post, but when I start writing this post the memory of shortcake and joshu ruin against my head again. this is super insane the ending also related with I have expected.... I'll Rate amount 9,5 to 10 ....................

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