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Always and forever Lara Jean/to all the boys 3 by Jenny Tan A novel Review

September 30, 2020 0 Comments


                   Photo by edit on
               Title         : Always and Forever Lara Jean
                      Author      : Jenny Tan
                  Publisher  : Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers; Reprint edition (April 10, 2018)
                      Language :  English
                     Paperback : 336 pages

my mom used to drive me home after school and we like to grumbling about things on starbuck instead on own home. I used to order the same  food and beverage so do my mom, but she always give me her French fires even thought I know she likes it then she once said. I like those food, but I know you like it and I love you 
the fact that they will have a step mother on this last season makes me goosebumps of how the three of them could growing up with a complete parent after so long. it can be said obviously as the conclusion of the trilogy novel before. since I'm the one who already known the teenage love story between petter and lara jean from the first season I think  it become palpable or we all can assume the ending of this novel only by have a look a the tittle. exactly, always and forever lara jean tells the continues story from lara jean who already as petter girl friend and they seem great, but not that much. 

    this last novel also highlight lara jean father who finally found his love even though with just a girl next door. they are intended to get married and live in the same house as lara jean and family. the continued longevity into the foreseeable future making peter and lara jean seldom to keep in touch another. they both has crazy task to fulfill before staring as college student's and stuff For my own, this novel won't be the same special as the first season. this last season only explain so much concerning to the way petter and lara jean still in touch even though they didn't come to the same university. 

    talking about the story, I my self remorsefully to read this flat novel. I juts curious to the love story ending and yeah. as the tittle lara jean will always be her who is virgin, avoid highlight and a baking lover while peter as the usual petter who keep on her side and love to attend her family party as the one who already become a part of her family. the story is straight and ther's no meaning moment and trouble occur on this to remember. the last scene of them is on peter's car talking about the day after tomorrow will a collage with no boy friend take you home, no sister braid your hair and no dad who will kill  you if you're out at night and that's the end of the story

All the Bright Places by jennifer niven A novel Review

September 25, 2020 0 Comments


Course: edited in


I know life well enough to know you can’t count on things staying around or standing still, no matter how much you want them to. You can’t stop people from dying. You can’t stop them from going away. You can’t stop yourself from going away either. I know myself well enough to know that no one else can keep you awake or keep you from sleeping.

    I found those word may be on the third chapter when flinch say to violet not to blame herself connected to her sister accident flinch also once said

Sorry wastes time. You have to live your life like you'll never be sorry. It's easier just to do the right thing from the start so there's nothing to apologize for.

    and it pushing me to keep reading even though I’ve fed up.

     I feel spellbound by this novel but may be in a wrong way. I could say that I’m a romance novel colic who read bunch of novel in romance and never feel as goofy as the time I was reading this. Sorry to say but this is the third novel which I couldn’t read till the last page. The first novel was needful thing by Stephen king then pride and prejudice and finally I did the same mistakes in cutting the half of its story because I’ve been enormously dull by the story of a novel.

    First thing first, since the novel called romance I’ll automatically adore it or at least read it till finish. But it’s different as like the former unfinished novel I’ve ever read, this is full of mystery and secrete. Even though it tells from both violate and flinch perspective it never have place on my own. The story is creepy, too many flashing back scene, too many alibi to describe the real story especially on the flinch perceptive and also too many un told story makes me tryna to figure out by myself.

     I’ve tried to read till about 36 chapter, but I decided to end that up then turn to watch the movie instead. But Number of character who aren’t framed on the movie such us the youngest flinch sister, his father and so on. The scene didn’t change too much, but quite un detail. It takes an hour and thirty minutes to be exact to watch this movie and still feeling the same way LOL. it can't be seen clearly that if you guys already hate a thing from the start, then whatever the reason is even though the hatting thing already mash and mix up with other ornament, you won't ever turn to love it. I'm still curious why everyone adore this novel, but we've different perceptive in each thing though. it's totally human.

Review : The Hatting game by Sally Thorne

September 22, 2020 0 Comments

                 Photo by edit on
                     Title          : The Hatting Game
                Author     : Sally Thorne
                       Publisher : William Morrow Paperbacks(August 9, 2016)
     Language : English
        Paperback : 369 pages

    Overall I love to read page by page of this novel, both of them (I mean josh and shortcake ) are hilarious and just doing a nonsense game everyday. It happen on their own office seat and usually start by staring each other for so long. it look ridiculously bull at the first time I read. I start to get to know each of the character and realize they were boring and just set the location near the stack of the book. I didn't find what usually become the content of romance novel which is simple and full of cuteness. 

    the story just telling entirely from lucy's perceptive, she is an incredible narrator for me.  even though I do need the perceptive from josh,but never happen till the last pages. I admit that I was on team Lucy when they usually fight. for me, josh is a kind of body shaming guy who used to tell her about her feet and often call her A short cake, mocking her parent for working in a strawberry farm and so on, but I love the moment when both of them play a staring game and joshua seem to lost it then he take an old photo of Little lucy and her family which make her in tears. he didn't show he was care instead he just didn;t staring at her when the tears falling down. 

    neither lucy nor Joshua are good in negotiating they keep arguing abut little things and never just sit silently one another. my favorite scene from this novel is when the whole office are visiting to play paintfull game if I'mnot mistaken LOL. and I completely goosebumps by the way joshua treat lucy when she is in a pain. I know it was A little thing though, but they were evil one another then being a soulmate for a moment. I love the way lucy doesn't wanna look she is in paint in front of everyone so do josuha who doesn't  seem to help her by word he directly take lucy arm and say

 "you sick"

I’m not poisoning you. Quit squirming.” Joshua’s hand is behind my neck as he presses two pills onto my tongue. I swallow water and then he lowers me flat.

        both of them are super cute, I love every single on that night. I also realize that josh doesn't fine at all. he is in serious pain in terms of family he once said to lucy 

as like a royal British which have heirs and spare and the fact here is I'm the spare. my dad didn't even talk to me. her mind just about patrick and patrick he didn't even know How hard I tried to be him and give up then everyone just mocking, but I have incredible mother who always stand by me all the time even I'mnot continuing our family dynasty to be a doctor. 

I'm screaming out load when barely know this novel will be on screen very soon. I've had finish a novel before making this post, but when I start writing this post the memory of shortcake and joshu ruin against my head again. this is super insane the ending also related with I have expected.... I'll Rate amount 9,5 to 10 ....................

The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory A romance novel Review

September 19, 2020 0 Comments


                Photo by edit on
                       Title         : The Wedding Date
                            Author      : Jasmine Guillory
                           Publisher  : Berkley (January 30, 2018)
                            Language :  English
                           Paperback : 336 pages
    this is my first ever novel that I've been read till the last page, I used to read novel actually (p.s using my native language) and this novel just realized me to keep reading till u find the exact genre to love with. yeah I start reading a bunch of thriller, magic, comedy especially from the most famous author Stephen King, but it just didn't fits perfectly with mine and those novel didn't even finish till now. 

    back to the laptop, this novel is simple, what I mean here far from juvenile love story which pretty complicated. it tells the story from two opposite direction of people, alexa is a girl with black skin and work in politics while the man called drew, I didn't remember the exact name it maybe andrew, but I can't ensure that is was true.

  both of them just meet incidentally on the elevator, they were stuck together on it  for about 30 minutes or more. as like the other novel they just sharing abit and start to make appointment  to attent andrew's ex girlfriend weeding. alexa actually didn;t interested at all through the wedding. she just have a pity for andrew wherefore he become a groomsman on his own ex grilfriend birthday. then they were keep closer week by week.

    FYI they did LDR because andrew is a doctor from different city as alexa. it take 2 hours by plane to get there whereas they just meet once a week and visit each other city till finally get together on alexa city. this novel is easy reading especially for non English native like me. wkwkwk. it plot is crystal clear and they face their problem in a mature way. a buch of pages explain about s*x, but I never skip it LOL. I didn't find any quotes related to me during reading this novel,but it;s still pretty recomendeddd 

A romance novel Review : The boys who Sneak In My Bedroom Window by Kirsty Moseley

September 15, 2020 0 Comments

             Photo by edit on
                      Title : The Boy Who Sneak in My bedroom Window
                            Author : Kirsty Moseley
                           Publish date : 29 April 2012
                            Language : English
                           Paperback : 275pages

I'm not a nerd indeed; I've already read couples of novel and never fall into it. this novel is hilarious, a Teenagers family and love story being a part of it

as I remember, I tried to forget the ending even thought it is far from terrible, it's like the story of disney which usually ends happily, but it just doesn't fit with what I had expected. I read this novel for about three consecutive days. 

I read it consciously. I love Jake who is overprotective through his sister, I love liam who always look such a jerk, but has a feeling keep amber safe, he is the one who mentioned as the boy who sneak on my bedroom window. he's super cute, patient and totally wait for amber to get ready for having s*x with him. 

    liam and jake are super famous on his school, they play hokey and always making queuing of girls in front of his car everyday to get in touch with them. I afraid it contain spoiler LOL. I adore this novel till for about chapter 47(if i'mnot mistaken LMAO) liam once said 

He laughed. “You know, there’s a thin line between love and hate. Maybe you loved me and didn’t realize,” he suggested, grinning. I smiled because that was exactly what I was thinking earlier.

she got abuse from her father and afraid of touch since then. it's pretty cool you guys will find number of unexpected things to happen and I'mnot goanna make it  too long just cause I've started reading my new novel this morning,but still couldn't forget every detail of this.

A film review : to all the boys I've loved before

September 11, 2020 0 Comments

        it is actually a romance movie which i liked the most especially on the first session. I love the way larra jean in touch with her family and could receive whatever her dad serve for the whole family without a mother figure since they were kids. she never date with anyone, she likes bury her feeling toward every boys surround her. I remember a quotes form her 
"the more you let someone to enter your heart and feeling the more someone you loved will walk away " I assume that she's afraid in loving someone, because she doesn't wanted to fail and just let her man goes by. 
she actually in love with a friends of her since kinds, but he was in love with her own sister margot. she decided to fake dated with petter and yes, everyday become a real till they found she genuinely in love with him. 
     This movie has sequel I ensure you guys won't love those sequel, as like I did eheheh 

    I actually have a bunch of word to say, but it 12 am and I just scroll up and down  trough my browser and found my old blog address, I though would be fun to write a couple of words before I sleep even if it doesn't mean anything to you guys.

 I've been pretty busy this year neither pandemic nor as an old smester on my university. I just freaking afraid that I couldn't graduate in exact time, I couldn't find a job and couldn't make money. I'm tragically In love with 5 second of summer instead of 1D. a dream of mine, I want to go overseas with scholarship actually,t hat I probably communicate with Englishman and sharing everything (culture, music, their life etc) I wish I can make much money to get those dream come true