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November 30, 2019 0 Comments

I was scared, I wouldn't know how to be human
tell me where you really from?
Mars,just because something sound crazy doesn't mean it'snot true. Tulsa, what you're favorite things about earth?
You're garner.... 
Tak terjamah oleh akal
Tiada terlintas di pikiran
Bahkan, tubuhnyapun tak tak dikategorikan oleh alam.
Puluhan purnama terpenjara buatnya tak tau cara hidup mereka seutuhnya
Samudera membentang, gunung-gunung terkekang dan dan pepohan melambai-lambai tak tak sekalipun ia cicipi kedamainnya
Gurun yang menggulung, kutub mengeras serta ombak menggeragas tak tau ia saksikan
Dalam alat tercanggih yang sengaja di design pipih adalah tempat seberang menyebrangnya ikuti dalih
Serpihan kertaspun tak ditemukannya jejak-jejak ia berasal
Hari-harinya diliputi penelitian dan kejadian-kejdian janggal
Rangkain kata hanya buat mereka berdalih 
Ceceran bulupun ia geledah tuk tau asal dari semua barang-barang besi yang serba wah
Robot berkakalkah? Alien Marskah atau ia hanyalah spesies baru yang diciptakan dari tabung mewah yang sekilas mirip lintah ini.
Semuanya bicara dan mulai bercerita
Ia sudah cukup dewas tuk tau dalang di balik semuanya
Tapi hanya mengapa?
Dengan hasrat tak ter hingga sembari lewati mereka yang berkaca-kaca ia berkelana ke asal usulnya
Aneh,janggal dan dan menakjubkan adalah kesan pertamanya
Tapi siapa sangka desahan itu berujung Petaka
Bumi, dengan bentangan keajaiban itu ditolak system tubuhnya
Setiap ruas darinya menolak tuk tetap di sana, kecuali rasa dan belahan hati yang tersisa
Memaksa karna cinta telah dilakukannya, tapi itu sia-sia
Singkat terpikat dan penuh harap adalah kesannya
Terlahir diangksa bukanlah keinginanya, namun otak, otot dan semua ruas jarinya telah terikat dan dan tak cocok dengan bumi yang fana
Hanya kembali, itulah jawabannya
Adapted from space between us 2017


November 28, 2019 0 Comments
Hentakan tadi benar-benar telah tancapkan duri
di ruas hati, pula tepat di sela-sela sanubari

mereka pikir itu hanyalah filosofi
 yang tak teruji credibility nan tak tergolong reliability

namun, semuanya tumpah terguyur bersama hembusan mentari pagi

entah, mawar tak berduri itu kan tetap tegak berdiri hadapi ilusi pagi ini

ataukah ikut hanyut bersama desiran-desiran angin para pencaci
lalu hilang nan lupa jalan kembali

pagi tadi, tak hanya duri yang tergergaji
kelopaknyapun seakan tak mampu berdiri lagi
lalu mau diapakan lagi?
musim-musim yang berganti takkan buat ingatannya lalu pergi

buih-buih lautanpun kan di korbankan tuk diizinkan mencoba lagi
namun tak akan mungkin, kecuali hanya dalam mimpi-mimpi

mau bagaimana lagi ? 
ini ia hanyalah manusia bermuka pantat bayi yang susah bangun pagi dan suka melihat film-film sexy.


November 26, 2019 0 Comments

Pemuda, tak cukup dilukiskan degan hanya angka dan nada nada.
Pemuda, bukanlah indikasi umur yang kian anggara.
Pemuda, bukan pula sekedar palapa diangkasa.
tapi, merekalah seorang  janardana..

Dia yang memenuhi hari2nya dengan berdayuh bersama desahan-desahan mereka di seberang kamarnya.
 majalah-majalah dewasa nan lusuh sengaja digelarnya. ditinggal degan membiarkan satu halaman tetap menga-nga. hanya mengapa? hal itulah yg tetap buat orang bertanya-tanya. 
sulit baginya seberangi sungai yang pamerkan aneka tubuh nan tanpa busana.
 susuri jalan degan sepeda dan helm classic buatnya sulit menerka-nerka.
Ia ataukah mereka yang berbeda? 
16 tahun belumlah usia yng matang tuk bebas memilih yang ia suka.
 tak ingin terlihat mencolok serta sering menghindari saling bertatap mata adalah dirinya.
sikap getar getir lengkap dengan protes-protes kecil kian membuas penuhi isi kepalanya. 
layaknya kantong kuda berisi buku yang entah apa yang ia bisa andalkan degan otot dan otak kecilnya.
hingga ditemukanlah hal yang buat ia jadi dirinya .
menapaki tangga degan tertatih tatih mejadikannya kian beringas tuk taklukkan dunia. tak sendiri ..... tentunya dengan cinta. 
kambing ternak dan singa adalah perumaan dunia percintaannya.
 denga akhir yang Tak terduga ia menggiring penonton bertanya-tanya kapankah tayangnya season dua.

                                                                                                       Sex education 1 review


November 26, 2019 0 Comments

Yeah, you're terrify me and you're exited me and ...... When you're not around. I miss you

Tidak semua hal di dubumi ini berpihak padanya . 
kaya, harta dan takhta it just a bullshit.butuh digosok tuk timbulkan cahaya yg mengerjit. 
pula di rendam tuk pantas jadi bibit.
mata biru khas Britishnyapun tak sanggup merubah nasib. 
dia tak pernah salah........
keadaanlah, mengharuskan hari2nya meringis berdarah darah. 
dan benar kerupawanannya tak lantas mendongakkan kepala, sebaliknya menebas luka yang membara-bara.
perenggutan keji kala itu, buatnya tak sanggup memantasakan diri meski dilingkup keluarga sendiri.
kewajiban ditinggalkannya tuk hal yg mistik dan bersembunyi dibalik pekerjaan yg udik itulah dia calvin lewis. 
sejenak menghirup kesenangan belajar menyusuri jalan-jalan sunyi di ramainya hiruk pikuk sang merpati, hingga bertemu sang puteri. dia menari nari. 
namun, tak semudah itu....! semuanya harus kembali meninggalkannya sendiri meski dirinya harus merintih berhari-hari.

(then came you 2019)

Literally me

November 26, 2019 0 Comments
Sorry for being 20 years old bastard girl

yang menganga melihat langit tanpa bintang di sudut kota ini.

Suka melamun, sering menghilang lalu kadang lupa tuk kembali, serta jauh dari dri kata mandiri.

Moody dan lebih adore orang lain dripda diri sendiri sekaligus bucin sejati

tapi siapa peduli?

Takkan sebegitu mudahnya Candala menjadi Nirmala

Layaknya maleficent pada Aurora yag tetap iba walau dirinya diliputi luka

My lesson plan

Juni 21, 2019 0 Comments

hello guys................! 

this is the last section of my blog wish you can apply a lot of  tools that I have share over here in your own english classes . and the following link is the example of my lesson plan that I made to fulfill my mid term project

Collaborative Writing using Google docs

Juni 20, 2019 0 Comments

the next tool on my portfolio is google docs for making a Collaborative writing. Collaborative writing is a component to make the writing process work or called an Interaction between participants throughout the entire writing process. Whether it be brainstorming, writing a draft of the project, or reviewing. in addition, it can share the power among participants. Everyone included in the project has the power to make decisions and no group member is in charge of all the text produced.
The collaborative production of one single and specific text.

During the collaborative writing process, all participants are to have equal responsibilities. All sections of the text should be split up to ensure the workload is evenly displaced, all participants work together and interact throughout the writing process, everyone contributes to planning, making of ideas, making structure of text, editing, and the revision process.

I made a Collaborative writing in a group of four and actually create a collaborative writing by using Google Document. we were interested in doing this activity although we faced a difficulty in inviting  other to join the collaborative writing group and fortunately we succeed and start to write our argument first then continuing with commenting the other argument.

here is the link of our result in doing Collaborative writing

thank you


Juni 19, 2019 0 Comments

1. Ginger Application 

it helps Student's write better and faster. The tool has the following features: a grammar checker, a sentences rephrase, a dictionary, translations in over 40 languages, and a personal trainer that improves your writing skills by creating personalized practice sessions based on your mistakes. if you had opened the link download,but you couldn't find word download just scroll down on the web and find word get ginger at the left side

2. Daily Page

is a tool to improve your student writing skill. it is requiring the users to practice every day because by practicing everyday, the student writing skill will increase. If your students have difficulties with forming a writing habit, Daily Page will help. Each morning the tool will email you a writing prompt and you’ll have a day to respond. you just need to create an account by email free.

3. twinword writer

Twinword Writer is a tool that automatically senses when you’re pausing and instantly suggests a synonym. It both saves time and makes your content more vivid with synonyms. it is a wonderful for learners because we usually bored in using the same words in a task.,but unfortunately we only can
 type on the web I mean we couldn't import our documents.

4. brainyquotes

nowadays, we need inspirational quotes to make our writhing more strengthen, so you may want to include a good quote from a writer, politician or famous person. Brainy Quote is a library with millions of interesting quotes on various topics. Just browse the site and choose the one that fits your needs.

5. free rice

it obviously a game that can increase students vocabulary.  This game has been embraced by young and old alike, proving to be an excellent tool for prepping for the brush up on vocabulary words. Teachers have been using the game to teach both vocabulary and the value of helping others in need. it is an online internet game that donates 20 grains of rice to the World Food Programme.


Juni 19, 2019 0 Comments

The following tools are beneficial for teaching speaking:

1. vocaroo

is one of the easiest tools to record and make a podcast. thing you have to do only activate the adobe flash player and  It  doesn’t requires any registration. It is a simple audio recorder. students click a button and they record themselves speaking. Students then get a link which they can paste in their website or send their recording in an email. They can also get a code which they can embed in a blog. Watch this tutorial how to use vocaroo

2. English accent coach

is a tools that trains the brain to recognize new sounds - an essential foundation for improved pronunciation. You will begin experiencing measurable improvement in your ability to recognize English sounds in just a few short sessions. you just have to register by email free and start using it.

3. voki

 is a tool to create an avatar (an animated speaking character). Students don't need to register to create a Voki, but if they do, they can edit their Voki later. Students get a link to their Voki which they can share or a script to embed in their blog or website. then the teacher can give them feedback to improve their speaking

4. English Listening and Speaking

it Focusing on conversational English and daily speech, the English Listening and Speaking android app is a great choice for those wanting to learn how to communicate in English. For example, the app includes thousands of English conversations with audio and transcripts. Additionally, the app includes games and tests to help you become fluent quicker. Plus, the app is free!

5 .Audiopal.

Another tool that meets both the speaking and listening strands is AudioPal. it allows students to record their voice through a mic or by calling in your message to a toll free number.  There is no registration required, instead AudioPal sends you a link to your message.  From there, you can embed your free audio player online. 


Juni 19, 2019 0 Comments

the following tools is used for listening:

1. free classic audio books

As the title says, here you can find a classic stories and encourage the students to hear them for free. we can hear abound books in  MP3 and M4B format.,but unfortunately it doesn't provide stream what I mean is we have to download for hearing the sound. it couldn't hear online.

2 BBC learning English

If you'd like to make your students perfect in British accent, this is the perfect tool to use. This website offers six-minute lessons for English-language learners of all levels. Each listening exercise includes a transcript and a list of vocabulary words.
Visit the BBC Learning English website for a wide range of British English listening exercises!!

3.britishcouncil podcasts

 is an app produced by the British Council. With interesting and engaging interviews with people talking about real-life things (celebrities, food, and more), the twenty hours of free podcasts will be ones that you will look forward to listening to and learning from. Additionally, the audio comes with a moving script and comprehension questions for each episode. it a free listening about a wide range of topics, as well as great new features that help you listen and understand the conversations.

4.National Public Radio

Known in the States as NPR, National Public Radio is the American radio broadcast network. One of its programs, “NPR News Now,” publishes a new bulletin every hour, each under five minutes long. Listening to the news can introduce you to words and phrases that might not come up in general conversation. it provides not only like a podcast which uot of date it also provides live radio to stay update.
This is recommended for upper intermediate to advanced learners.!!

5.TED talk

 This is an awesome online resource for formal, educational videos on any topic you might be internist is an awesome online resource for formal, educational videos on any topic you might be interested in. Each video has only one speaker, talking at a steady pace in a clear voice. They also come with transcripts, a summary and notes.

Reading Activity

Juni 19, 2019 0 Comments
below is the tools for reading skill

1.  Children's storybooks
     Many wonderful free illustrated children's’ books are available to read at Children's Storybooks Online. Stories span age ranges from preschool, young children, teens, through young adults. ,but if you want to hear the sound you should activate your adobe flash media player first

2.  Book should be free
    Here you can find thousands of free books with many genre,but if you want to get best seller book you should pay for it. it actually provides an audio in each chapter so we choose wherever reading or listening that you can download in mp3, iPod and iTunes format for your portable audio player.

3. Reading Bear
     Reading Bear takes students through a thorough and progressive process of learning letter sounds. Each section starts with students sounding out a specific word, both slowly and quickly, progressing to picking the various words and sounds out of sentences without audio. students just need to log in using email.

4. Rewordify is a free online tool that helps improve students’ reading comprehension in multiple ways.First, a user pastes or imports text into a text box on the site. Rewordify then analyzes this text, looking for words and phrases that may be difficult to understand. Once the site locates difficult or problematic language, it replaces it with simpler words to aid students’ understanding. we don't need to log in using email or anything just open the web and start doing.

4. Reading Eggs
ABC Reading Eggs can make learning to read interesting and engaging for kids, with great online reading games and activities. Children love the games, songs, golden eggs and other rewards which, along with feeling proud of their reading, really motivate children to keep exploring and learning. the way to activate and use it almost the same as reading bear that is log in with an email.

During the class

Juni 03, 2019 0 Comments
Animaker is obviously  a web-based software for creating animated videos in a variety of styles and of course we can get started for free. for TEL, The animated styles here are engaging and good for grabbing our student's attention.

Read the following websitenya and watch the video to know the detail
1.What is animaker video
2.Thing you have to know about animaker

If you want to know the example of animaker, just can go to menu my portfolio then closer look to sub menu with the title animaker
And now, create your first animaker on

 pixton Is an online comic maker which can create A comic or story board Easily ThiS application is free trial only for a month. Actually there are a lot of ready to use tools available on the internet such as Toondoo ,Chogger and  Pixton but, I Think piXton is offer The best treatment for us.
 Check the tutorial below to create pixton fot ourself 
Pixton vdeo tutorial
Create your pixton here

if you check my portfolio, you will find word timeline on it. timeline itself is a visual representation of information arranged in chronological order. There are many ways to create a timeline that is tiki toki and timegilder. both of it are a web-based software.

Below are videos which will give you the detailed information and how to create both tiki toki and timeline
1. timeglider video
2. tiki toki video
well everyone I recommend you to use tiki toki because the tools on it easy to understand and we can find the tutorial easily over the internet, but it based on you.
start creating timeline here  /

poplet and coggle are two tools for making Mind map. it is an online application, that we don't need to download, just create your own mind map for free.
read the website and watch videos below to know more information and how to create it.
1. what is coggle
2. cogglle tutorial
1. what is poplet
2. poplet tutorial
in my point of me, both of the tools are simple and ready to use, also the tutorial can be found easily over the internet create your mind map here

5. Hot Potatoes
Hot Potatoes is a tools which content a various question made by teacher on their own local computer. it useful  for them to create different web-based learning activities or we can say "make interactive assessments for our students".
this application is able to make questionnaires of any kind in HTML format for teaching reading. There are five applications in Hot Potatoes, suc as JCloze, JCross, JMatch, JMix, and JQuiz. There is also JMasher, a sixth application that can compile all the Hot Potatoes exercises into a unit.
1. JCloze: a Gap-Fill exercise
2. JCross: a crossword exercise
3. JMatch: matching or ordering exercise
4. JMix: a Jumbled-Sentence exercise
5. JQuiz: a quiz (multiple choice)
here is the tutorial hot potatoes tutorial
I do apologize guys because the tutorial above using Spanish. it hard for me to find English tutorial as clear as it, but I make sure with just look at the tutorial without understand the meaning you will automatically understand.
download hot potatoes hot

Kahoot is  a tool for teaching young learners. it is One of the technology which can create an engaging activity to get their attention.
This application allow us to create a reading game, and we are enable to add pictures or videos too. So, try to create a game using Kahoot by just submit your email to make your own account.
here is the tutorial kahoot video tutorial
create your kahoot here

take a look on my portfolio the word "podcast", so you will understand what application it is. yupps it is a free application for editing sound that can help you to produce an audio for teaching, so that the audio sound clearer than before.  it is a software program that allows users to record sound, as well as edit sound clips.
here is the tutorial  Audacity for beginer
download audacity here https://www.audacity
and after all done, upload your audio on so that you can get the link for hearing and sharing that audio. don't forget to sign in and create account using email!

audacity is amazing application actually, but unfortunately when I try to import my audio, it couldn't recognize my audio and I didn't use it. the result of my audio not to bad because I recorded it at 2 am to make sure the result is clear enough.

Class Dojo

Mei 29, 2019 0 Comments

ClassDojo is one of tool that use for teacher during the class until  finish. Begin with a short Think-Pair-Share activity, using the timer and noise manager to keep the discussion on track and respectful.

Next, assign an activity for student portfolios: Let them draw out a challenge math problem, record a video discussing the novel they're reading, write a hypothesis for a science lab, or snap a picture of a completed assignment for teacher feedback. Once or twice during the lesson, send a quick positive message or image to a parent.

This is a great way to strengthen the home-school connection, celebrate classroom successes, and document student learning over time. Don't forget to add pictures to your class story to keep parents in the loop. You might even want to record yourself explaining assignments, so parents can help at home.

it is is an online classroom management platform where teachers can record and track student behavior, facilitate classroom activities, curate student portfolios, and communicate with parents. Student sign-in is simple with a QR code, link, or Google account. From the teacher dashboard, teachers can create original activities or use the toolkit to post class announcements, conduct warm-ups, create random groups, and more. Depending on how they choose to set things up, teachers can share information privately or publicly, often displayed to the class on a screen or interactive whiteboard.

read a website below tto know detailed information about class dojo

1.everything we can do through class dojo

watch the following videos to set it up

I do apologies guys because I couln't find the newest version tutorial, but the way to create and operate it is quite the same. so, the video above will help you so much.

create your class dojo here

Go Noodle

Mei 28, 2019 0 Comments

go noodle is a mobile games, interactive activities and kid-friendly entertainment to provide "brain

breaks" that promote physical activity, active learning, heightened engagement and enhanced focus. Choosing from hundreds of customized videos, teachers and parents use GoNoodle to effectively direct a child's energy, while breaking away from traditional methods of teaching to make the learning experience fun and entertaining, as opposed to exhausting or dis interesting

it is useful to use for teacher especially when students look tired then they can play and move using easily using this web application.

for further information read the website below

1.go noodle for ice breaking

watch the tutorial below to create go noodle for free

1. create go noodle

2. go noodle tutorial

from two tutorials above, I assume that the way to create is a little bit different from the newest version of  go noodle (so sorry i couldn't find the latest tutorial), but after I tired to create an animation and I realized that thing making different is only baground and the order placement I mean when i looked for word started for free unfortunately I couldn't  find it. I just found word started go noodling and those two order is the same guide me for filling as students or instructor the write the user name, email etc.

Eclipse Crossword

Mei 28, 2019 0 Comments

Eclipse Crossword is the fast, easy, free way to create crossword puzzle in a minute. actually this is one of tool that quite the same as hot potatoes Especially jcross. it isn't web application that means teacher should download the application only on windows, but the application is under 1 MB in size and installs in a jiff. then teacher can go through the steps involved in creating a puzzle of their own.

It can help teachers and parents to review vocabulary or a lessons for all subjects. Students may actually even enjoy doing the assignment! Crossword puzzles encourage logical thinking and correct spelling. Crosswords can be printed or uploaded to your website.

because beside it can be played by online and also print it out, so that teacher won't have difficulty to make materials anymore. This tool provides games like TTS or puzzle word game. students can review their previous material along with playing a game

to know the detailed information about Eclipse Crossword read the website and watch a you tube video below

1. introduction Eclipse crossword

download Eclipse Crossword here

watch learn and speak by english central

Mei 28, 2019 0 Comments

English Central is a English Central is website designed to improve the listening, speaking, pronunciation, and vocabulary.  As the website describes, “The core of English Central is the video player, where students watch videos, learn vocabulary in-content of the video, and then speak using the video as a model

the English Central platform combines the web’s best English videos, our proprietary IntelliSpeech assessment technology, an adaptive vocabulary learning system and live tutors, delivered seamlessly over web and mobile phone

The website is intended to be used by students, though teachers will certainly find it useful, as well. Instructors can design curriculum and goals for students, choosing appropriate videos to fit the needs of a given course. They can also select vocabulary (up to 50 words per week) for students to practice. As we know, the acquisition of new vocabulary is crucial, especially for learners in the early stages.

read these sources below to know the detailed information about English central

1.english central is an amazing tool for student

watch the videos above to help you operating it

1.what is english central to use english central web to use english central tv

try to use english central below

revolutionizing education and creating videos by TED-Ed

Mei 27, 2019 0 Comments

TED-Ed is an educational platform that allows creating educational lessons with the collaboration of teachers, students, animators—generally people who want to expand knowledge and good ideas. This website allows democratizing access to information, both for teachers and students. Here, people can have an active participation in the learning process of others.

it developed by two dynamic programs -- TED-Ed Student Talks and the TED-Ed Innovative Educators - that help students and educators master the art of public speaking. These free, empowering programs have already supercharged participants' voices in over 120 countries. With your support, we believe we could celebrate and elevate the ideas of an entire generation of teachers and students.

Take a look at these sources:

1. Read this source revolutionizing education by TED-Ed
2. Watch these following videos

       - TED-ed for future

       - education with TED

create your first TED-Ed below

1. e

Google Classroom

Mei 27, 2019 0 Comments

Google Classroom is a free web service developed by Google for schools that aim to simplify creating, distributing and grading assignments in a paperless way. The primary purpose of Google Classroom is to streamline the process of sharing files between teachers and students.

Classroom is a new tool in Google Apps for Education that helps teachers create and organize assignments quickly, provide feedback efficiently, and easily communicate with their classes. Classroom helps students organize their work in Google Drive, complete and turn it in, and communicate directly with their teachers and peers.

When logged into Google Classroom, students can collaborate with their peers and teachers. Google Classroom offers a digital safe space for students to view class announcements, access posted course content, view posted assignments, and turn in completed work. Only authorized FSF users (students, teachers, and other designated staff members

take a look to the following website to understand how google classroom work classroom website can do everything with google classroom

watch the video above to know how to create google classroom and operate it.

1. google classroom is helful

thank you..

Teaching listening using Podcast

Mei 27, 2019 0 Comments

the word “podcast”  is derived from iPod+Broadcast=Podcast . the “pod” of podcast is borrowed from Apple’s “iPod” digital media player; and the “cast” portion of podcast is taken from Radio’s “broadcast” term. As a matter of clarity, just because it’s named after Apple’s iPod, does not necessarily mean that you have to own or use an iPod — or any portable digital media player for that matter — to enjoy a podcast.

for teaching and learning processes especially in listening skill, podcast have many benefits such as making Listening activity is not only in a classroom but should also be a recreational activity outside classroom. Listening will be much more meaningful if what to listen is really of students interest and students has option to do that, such what, when and wherever they want to listen.

Podcast is one technology that may enable that. It will give teachers easy access to authentic listening materials wherever and whenever they want as long as there is internet connection.a teachers also can ask their student to make their own podcast.

the following link is an example of podcast made by me and my classmate using audacity if you want to know much about audacity just visit my menu on tools for teacher.

1. the example of podcast

Clasroom Screen

Mei 26, 2019 0 Comments

classroom screen is a really cool tool. it will turn teacher's screen into a digital one with various tools  that you can choose to use and your student will definitely love and they will feel that they are in different places every meeting.

classroom screen the same as an interactive board with contains many tools that are displayed in the bottom of it. teacher can change the background, write or copy the classroom list and generate a name use the calculator if you need or create a QR code immediately on the screen.

it is simply a web tool that is a one-stop-shop with useful widgets you can use while teaching or while students are working.

take a look on the following website and video if you want to know some information such us how to create and use it in a classroom.

2. the tutorial videos of classrom screen

3. excellent view class

create classrom screen below


Mei 26, 2019 0 Comments
the same as jmatch and jmixx the link or Html that I copied to this blog didn't work at all here is the alternative.
those pictures below are the example of jquiz made by me


Mei 26, 2019
hi guys I guess that you'll have a couple of question connected to my material and I've list the question  along with the possible answer below

1.  it's hard for me to distinguish the links and the explanation?

okay I've realized it since the first time I made this blog and I've trying to change the color of link become blue or read may be, but it didn't work at all. so the color of the link and explanation is the same black. I do apologies.

2.the link of hot potatoes couldn't open?
well, I've some problem in putting hot potatoes content to blogger and finally I found some tutorial around  internet and it worked in some quizzes only such as jcloze, jcross and jquiz. but unfortunetely it didn't work to the other such jmatch etc, but I've provide a pictures in each corrupt links

3.  the explanation on the portfolio doesn't clear?

first thing first I've designed the content on my portfolio is only the result of my project whether l made individually or in a group along with Little bit explanation. if you need to know much,  just check it out on menu tool for teacher

if you have the other question didn't mention or the answer didn't help you at all just text me on my social media I'll be glad to respond . thank you.............

game online with kahoot

Mei 24, 2019 0 Comments

Kahoot is a tool for teacher to make an interactive quizzes during the class. it can makes students to review their previous material and evaluated how far they understand connected to material, but in an interesting way. it is a free web-based program (we don"t need to download the application to work with) allows teachers to pose questions to children who then respond from a selection of answers electronically on their own devices.

 It records the answer each child gives to a question, as well as how quickly they respond, so teachers can use the data to assess their children. Ultimately, it a fun and engaging tool that can be used to challenge and assess students.

it contains a series of questions with  four multiple-choice answers to choose from. Teachers can create their own quizzes, duplicate and edit others created and shared by other teachers, or simply play Kahoots created by other users.

Let's play kahoot

the link above is an example of kahoot which made by me and my group. if you guys want to know more about it such as how to create, publish and download , just  check it out on the tool for teacher. thank you..


Mei 24, 2019 0 Comments

mind map is  a diagram that is used to visually outline information and almost the same as a large brainstorming web where the central world and ideas are flashed out  and connect to another. it is useful to help teacher create plan and strategies. it is graphical way to present ideas and concepts and it uses visual thinking tool to structure information to help analyse and create new ideas. it also helps teacher teaching methods to be more effective.

for students, mind map also an important thing because it makes the easy to visually note the most important one in some material. without note all of them.
and below, the example of mind map to teach reading

here is the example of my mindmap

actually, there are two web application that I know for making mind map that are coggle and popplet, but so sorry I just shown you the example of using coggle becuase I do confuse of popplet.

Online learning strategies and natique

Mei 24, 2019 0 Comments
nowadays, technological developments offers convenience and comfortable ways for  users to do almost everything easier as long as there is stable connection. they can communicate with their friends and know what's happening on every sides of the the world without worrying thorough geographical distance, but those comfortableness in using internet and technology  also contains some advantages and disadvantages. so that makes the user consider to use that kinds of technology. 

our group have made a summaries of  long explanation over the internet connected to the advantages and disadvantages of using media online. we also also completed the explanation with some advises in order to make successful online learning.

from the picture above, we can assume that every technological developments contains positive and negative effects that we have to use wisely. things we have to consider is we live in cyber area which automatically seen by everyone around the world, so we to know much the rule of natique

Using Vlog to Improve Speaking Skill

Mei 24, 2019 0 Comments

vlog or known as a video blog or video log is a form of blog for which the medium is is a form of television that Vlog entries often combine embedded video (or a video link) with supporting text, images, and other data. Entries can be recorded in one take or cut into multiple parts.
and for the teacher, vlog also beneficial for ELT especially in teaching speaking. the teacher can improve the quality of the student's speaking by it such us the way they produce a word etc.

Vlogging is mostly oral, speaking is the major component. one of the advantages of using vlog is to help student improve their speaking skill so that, they can do presenting, speech and story telling.

Here I have the example of the vlog, just click the link and watch the video.

The example of VLOG 1

jcross trial

Mei 23, 2019 0 Comments
tourist destination in indonesia

tourist destination in indonesia


Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
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