Cari Blog Ini

My lesson plan

Juni 21, 2019 0 Comments

hello guys................! 

this is the last section of my blog wish you can apply a lot of  tools that I have share over here in your own english classes . and the following link is the example of my lesson plan that I made to fulfill my mid term project

Collaborative Writing using Google docs

Juni 20, 2019 0 Comments

the next tool on my portfolio is google docs for making a Collaborative writing. Collaborative writing is a component to make the writing process work or called an Interaction between participants throughout the entire writing process. Whether it be brainstorming, writing a draft of the project, or reviewing. in addition, it can share the power among participants. Everyone included in the project has the power to make decisions and no group member is in charge of all the text produced.
The collaborative production of one single and specific text.

During the collaborative writing process, all participants are to have equal responsibilities. All sections of the text should be split up to ensure the workload is evenly displaced, all participants work together and interact throughout the writing process, everyone contributes to planning, making of ideas, making structure of text, editing, and the revision process.

I made a Collaborative writing in a group of four and actually create a collaborative writing by using Google Document. we were interested in doing this activity although we faced a difficulty in inviting  other to join the collaborative writing group and fortunately we succeed and start to write our argument first then continuing with commenting the other argument.

here is the link of our result in doing Collaborative writing

thank you


Juni 19, 2019 0 Comments

1. Ginger Application 

it helps Student's write better and faster. The tool has the following features: a grammar checker, a sentences rephrase, a dictionary, translations in over 40 languages, and a personal trainer that improves your writing skills by creating personalized practice sessions based on your mistakes. if you had opened the link download,but you couldn't find word download just scroll down on the web and find word get ginger at the left side

2. Daily Page

is a tool to improve your student writing skill. it is requiring the users to practice every day because by practicing everyday, the student writing skill will increase. If your students have difficulties with forming a writing habit, Daily Page will help. Each morning the tool will email you a writing prompt and you’ll have a day to respond. you just need to create an account by email free.

3. twinword writer

Twinword Writer is a tool that automatically senses when you’re pausing and instantly suggests a synonym. It both saves time and makes your content more vivid with synonyms. it is a wonderful for learners because we usually bored in using the same words in a task.,but unfortunately we only can
 type on the web I mean we couldn't import our documents.

4. brainyquotes

nowadays, we need inspirational quotes to make our writhing more strengthen, so you may want to include a good quote from a writer, politician or famous person. Brainy Quote is a library with millions of interesting quotes on various topics. Just browse the site and choose the one that fits your needs.

5. free rice

it obviously a game that can increase students vocabulary.  This game has been embraced by young and old alike, proving to be an excellent tool for prepping for the brush up on vocabulary words. Teachers have been using the game to teach both vocabulary and the value of helping others in need. it is an online internet game that donates 20 grains of rice to the World Food Programme.


Juni 19, 2019 0 Comments

The following tools are beneficial for teaching speaking:

1. vocaroo

is one of the easiest tools to record and make a podcast. thing you have to do only activate the adobe flash player and  It  doesn’t requires any registration. It is a simple audio recorder. students click a button and they record themselves speaking. Students then get a link which they can paste in their website or send their recording in an email. They can also get a code which they can embed in a blog. Watch this tutorial how to use vocaroo

2. English accent coach

is a tools that trains the brain to recognize new sounds - an essential foundation for improved pronunciation. You will begin experiencing measurable improvement in your ability to recognize English sounds in just a few short sessions. you just have to register by email free and start using it.

3. voki

 is a tool to create an avatar (an animated speaking character). Students don't need to register to create a Voki, but if they do, they can edit their Voki later. Students get a link to their Voki which they can share or a script to embed in their blog or website. then the teacher can give them feedback to improve their speaking

4. English Listening and Speaking

it Focusing on conversational English and daily speech, the English Listening and Speaking android app is a great choice for those wanting to learn how to communicate in English. For example, the app includes thousands of English conversations with audio and transcripts. Additionally, the app includes games and tests to help you become fluent quicker. Plus, the app is free!

5 .Audiopal.

Another tool that meets both the speaking and listening strands is AudioPal. it allows students to record their voice through a mic or by calling in your message to a toll free number.  There is no registration required, instead AudioPal sends you a link to your message.  From there, you can embed your free audio player online. 


Juni 19, 2019 0 Comments

the following tools is used for listening:

1. free classic audio books

As the title says, here you can find a classic stories and encourage the students to hear them for free. we can hear abound books in  MP3 and M4B format.,but unfortunately it doesn't provide stream what I mean is we have to download for hearing the sound. it couldn't hear online.

2 BBC learning English

If you'd like to make your students perfect in British accent, this is the perfect tool to use. This website offers six-minute lessons for English-language learners of all levels. Each listening exercise includes a transcript and a list of vocabulary words.
Visit the BBC Learning English website for a wide range of British English listening exercises!!

3.britishcouncil podcasts

 is an app produced by the British Council. With interesting and engaging interviews with people talking about real-life things (celebrities, food, and more), the twenty hours of free podcasts will be ones that you will look forward to listening to and learning from. Additionally, the audio comes with a moving script and comprehension questions for each episode. it a free listening about a wide range of topics, as well as great new features that help you listen and understand the conversations.

4.National Public Radio

Known in the States as NPR, National Public Radio is the American radio broadcast network. One of its programs, “NPR News Now,” publishes a new bulletin every hour, each under five minutes long. Listening to the news can introduce you to words and phrases that might not come up in general conversation. it provides not only like a podcast which uot of date it also provides live radio to stay update.
This is recommended for upper intermediate to advanced learners.!!

5.TED talk

 This is an awesome online resource for formal, educational videos on any topic you might be internist is an awesome online resource for formal, educational videos on any topic you might be interested in. Each video has only one speaker, talking at a steady pace in a clear voice. They also come with transcripts, a summary and notes.

Reading Activity

Juni 19, 2019 0 Comments
below is the tools for reading skill

1.  Children's storybooks
     Many wonderful free illustrated children's’ books are available to read at Children's Storybooks Online. Stories span age ranges from preschool, young children, teens, through young adults. ,but if you want to hear the sound you should activate your adobe flash media player first

2.  Book should be free
    Here you can find thousands of free books with many genre,but if you want to get best seller book you should pay for it. it actually provides an audio in each chapter so we choose wherever reading or listening that you can download in mp3, iPod and iTunes format for your portable audio player.

3. Reading Bear
     Reading Bear takes students through a thorough and progressive process of learning letter sounds. Each section starts with students sounding out a specific word, both slowly and quickly, progressing to picking the various words and sounds out of sentences without audio. students just need to log in using email.

4. Rewordify is a free online tool that helps improve students’ reading comprehension in multiple ways.First, a user pastes or imports text into a text box on the site. Rewordify then analyzes this text, looking for words and phrases that may be difficult to understand. Once the site locates difficult or problematic language, it replaces it with simpler words to aid students’ understanding. we don't need to log in using email or anything just open the web and start doing.

4. Reading Eggs
ABC Reading Eggs can make learning to read interesting and engaging for kids, with great online reading games and activities. Children love the games, songs, golden eggs and other rewards which, along with feeling proud of their reading, really motivate children to keep exploring and learning. the way to activate and use it almost the same as reading bear that is log in with an email.

During the class

Juni 03, 2019 0 Comments
Animaker is obviously  a web-based software for creating animated videos in a variety of styles and of course we can get started for free. for TEL, The animated styles here are engaging and good for grabbing our student's attention.

Read the following websitenya and watch the video to know the detail
1.What is animaker video
2.Thing you have to know about animaker

If you want to know the example of animaker, just can go to menu my portfolio then closer look to sub menu with the title animaker
And now, create your first animaker on

 pixton Is an online comic maker which can create A comic or story board Easily ThiS application is free trial only for a month. Actually there are a lot of ready to use tools available on the internet such as Toondoo ,Chogger and  Pixton but, I Think piXton is offer The best treatment for us.
 Check the tutorial below to create pixton fot ourself 
Pixton vdeo tutorial
Create your pixton here

if you check my portfolio, you will find word timeline on it. timeline itself is a visual representation of information arranged in chronological order. There are many ways to create a timeline that is tiki toki and timegilder. both of it are a web-based software.

Below are videos which will give you the detailed information and how to create both tiki toki and timeline
1. timeglider video
2. tiki toki video
well everyone I recommend you to use tiki toki because the tools on it easy to understand and we can find the tutorial easily over the internet, but it based on you.
start creating timeline here  /

poplet and coggle are two tools for making Mind map. it is an online application, that we don't need to download, just create your own mind map for free.
read the website and watch videos below to know more information and how to create it.
1. what is coggle
2. cogglle tutorial
1. what is poplet
2. poplet tutorial
in my point of me, both of the tools are simple and ready to use, also the tutorial can be found easily over the internet create your mind map here

5. Hot Potatoes
Hot Potatoes is a tools which content a various question made by teacher on their own local computer. it useful  for them to create different web-based learning activities or we can say "make interactive assessments for our students".
this application is able to make questionnaires of any kind in HTML format for teaching reading. There are five applications in Hot Potatoes, suc as JCloze, JCross, JMatch, JMix, and JQuiz. There is also JMasher, a sixth application that can compile all the Hot Potatoes exercises into a unit.
1. JCloze: a Gap-Fill exercise
2. JCross: a crossword exercise
3. JMatch: matching or ordering exercise
4. JMix: a Jumbled-Sentence exercise
5. JQuiz: a quiz (multiple choice)
here is the tutorial hot potatoes tutorial
I do apologize guys because the tutorial above using Spanish. it hard for me to find English tutorial as clear as it, but I make sure with just look at the tutorial without understand the meaning you will automatically understand.
download hot potatoes hot

Kahoot is  a tool for teaching young learners. it is One of the technology which can create an engaging activity to get their attention.
This application allow us to create a reading game, and we are enable to add pictures or videos too. So, try to create a game using Kahoot by just submit your email to make your own account.
here is the tutorial kahoot video tutorial
create your kahoot here

take a look on my portfolio the word "podcast", so you will understand what application it is. yupps it is a free application for editing sound that can help you to produce an audio for teaching, so that the audio sound clearer than before.  it is a software program that allows users to record sound, as well as edit sound clips.
here is the tutorial  Audacity for beginer
download audacity here https://www.audacity
and after all done, upload your audio on so that you can get the link for hearing and sharing that audio. don't forget to sign in and create account using email!

audacity is amazing application actually, but unfortunately when I try to import my audio, it couldn't recognize my audio and I didn't use it. the result of my audio not to bad because I recorded it at 2 am to make sure the result is clear enough.